ABF Console Client
From Rosalab Wiki
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Our team (or just me) is about to start the development of the long-awaited project, console client for ABF!
Firstly we have to make up the list of features. All the demands and proposals are welcome in this mailing list (rosa-devel) or here.
The name of the tool is not defined yet. You can write you ideas here.
Possible variants:
- abfsys
- abfcc
- ... (add here)
Feature List
Here is the list of the proposed features.
1) Set up default ABF user, project group and branch. So it should be enough to get working git copy with command like: abfsys get [project] (git clone https://[user]@abf.rosalinux.ru/import/[project].git git checkout [branch] (if exists) )
2) Set up default target for build submission. So it should work like: abfsys build (build current project for default distribution from proper git branch; for example, build from latest_rosa2012.1 branch to rosa2012.1/main) And non-default target: abfsys build [-t target] (target: rosa2012lts, rosa2012.1 etc) To automatically checkout project, cd to the directory, checkout branch and build to the correcponding target platform, you can use: abfsys build [package] -t [target]
3) Check and cleanup package sources and patches using current spec as base. abfsys sync (delete all sources and patches from working directory if they are not listed in spec; inform if any listed patches/sources are missing; create proper file used to store tarballs on file server)
4) Copy latest version of specified branch to current(1) or another(2). Like: abfsys backport import_cooker (1) abfsys backport import_cooker rosa2012lts (2)
5) Push changes to git with commit abfsys put -m "commit message" (git commit -m "message", then git push or git push origin [branch])
6) move/attach from one platform repo to another abfsys attach groupname/projectname platform/repo abfsys attach groupname/projectname platformorig/repoorig platformtarget/repotarget for example abfsys attach import/mc rosa2012lts/main abfsys move import/mc rosa2012lts/main rosa2012lts/contrib
7) importing project from src.rpm abfsys upload XXX.src.rpm <groupname> <opened/closed status> abdsys upload mc.src.rpm import opened