ROSA LXDE 2012 community edition summary
From Rosalab Wiki
Revision as of 14:31, 14 August 2012 by Juliette (Talk | contribs) (→Software versions (ROSA 2012 Marathon packages base):)
This is a page snapshot, showing old (but not deleted) versions of images and templates.
Release date:
20 June 2012
Minimal system requirements:
- 256Mb RAM, recommended 384Mb, for Live session -- 384Mb
- Min 6Gb on hard disk
- Processor: Pentium4/Celeron compatible
Software versions (ROSA 2012 Marathon packages base):
- kernel 3.0.28 lts
- lxpanel based on lxpanelx with some improvements from ROSA
- pcmanfm 0.9.10
- Libre Office (Writer and Calc)
- main European locales
- Firefox 10
- vlc 2
- deadbeef 0.5.2
- LXDE Control Center
- audio/videocodecs by default
Bug reports are admitted at ROSA Linux Bugzilla (component "LXDE Edition").
The Marathon 2012 Errata and Marathon 2012 Release notes are valid for this community edition.