Upgrade systems

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Upgrade system from ROSA/Mandriva 2011 to ROSA 2012 LTS Marathon

Here comes the 2011-->2012 upgrade howto.


If you wanna get a guaranteed 99% working and reliable operating system, best way to do it is to reinstall a system from scratch. It is important, because ROSA 2012 has a long-time support status.

Upgrade from ROSA/Mandriva - 2011 is also supported because of a small amount of differences in a code base between new and old releases. This HOWTO describes sequence necessary to upgrade the system from previous release, but it does not guarantee its 100% success in overwhelming majority of cases.

Before update

Before upgrading it’s essential to read official release notes, that contain useful information about the changes in a new release and also expected bugs. Attentive and thoughtful reading of release notes can protect you from huge harm.

It’s also necessary to make sure that there is enough free space on your hard drive. During upgrade, all packages will be downloaded to the /var/cache/urpmi folder. Total amount of packages to download depends on amount of the soft, installed in your system. Usually it is from 4 to 7 Gb.

Upgrade process

Upgrading system between releases is recommended to make with help of a command line utilities. To do it, open terminal and switch to root console. You can do it either by running Konsole (or any other terminal emulator you prefer) via KDE menu or by choosing “Open a console as a administrator” in “Configure Your Computer” utility.

First thing you have to do is to remove information about old repositories. It can be performed via a following command:

urpmi.removemedia -a

Then add to urpmi repository of the release to which we want to update (as an example we use updating from Yandex mirror) and repository which contains the urpm-tools package:

For 32-bit systems:

urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa2012lts/repository/i586/
urpmi.addmedia akirilenko_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/akirilenko_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/i586/main/release/

For 64-bit systems:

urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa2012lts/repository/x86_64/
urpmi.addmedia akirilenko_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/akirilenko_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/x86_64/main/release/

Install urpm-tools package:

urpmi urpm-tools



The urpm-reposync tool will synchronize your package base with configured repositories - update packages, add necessary dependencies, etc.

When synchronization is complete, you can safely reboot your system. In the bootloader menu, you should see 'ROSA 2012 Marathon' entry which will load your new system.