urpm-reposync is the tool for synchronization of locally installed package set and the remote repository.
It's under development now. You can take part in urpm-reposync testing.
Help reposync testing
You need a virtual machine with some version of Mandriva or ROSA on-board. Do not forget to create a snapshot.
You can download the attachment and do the following:
1) install package pyhton-rpm (sudo urpmi python-rpm)
2) Setup correct mirrors (you can try other repositories. It would be a great experience too):
sudo urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa2012lts/repository/i586
And in case of 64 bit system:
sudo urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa2012lts/repository/i586
(64bit system has some packages installed from i586, so you need i586 repository too)
3) Now configure your media sources and enable all the media (maybe except contrib).
4) Run sudo ./urpm-reposync.py -av | tee /tmp/log_something-to-something
If some errors occurred, and send me the report (/tmp/log_something-to-something).
Please, report me about every problem and about every successful run.
If you have some feature requests - you are welcome, send it to me directly (anton.kirilenko@rosalab.ru)